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A Community Of:


Singing makes the heart grow happy!


Musical Director:

Gregg Muir is a Scottish Musician.

He is a composer, conductor, performer, and facilitator.

Music began for him in 1987 when, at the age of 6, he picked up a trumpet in the Bishopton Boys and Girls Brigade marching band and he loved it.

Music became his life, flourishing through Park Mains High School, James Watt College, and the University of Strathclyde, where he gained a 2:1 Applied Music specialising in Community Music and Composition.

Continuing his spirit to learn, he gained experience in early years Kodaly music methodology, therapeutic music for young people and adults with additional support needs, and vocal techniques in the Estill Methodology. 

Gregg, as a composer, is what he is.

Whether it's creating unique arrangements for choirs and orchestras, composing inspiring music for charitable causes, or playing trumpet for ceremonies, Gregg's passion is letting music out for everyone to experience.

Gregg happily lives at home with his husband, their child, and their hyperactive Border Collie. He loves them all to the moon and back.



Music has taken me on so many wonderful adventures performing in: Scotland, Wales, England, Ireland, Denmark, Prague, Germany, USA, and Canada.
— Gregg Muir


Community music is a way for me to connect with so many amazing and diverse people, creating inspiring musical experiences for all ages.
— Gregg Muir