
ZigZag began in 2010 by Robert Wishart, a music sensation for over 30 years. He is a vocal coach and performer, working with such greats as Michelle McManus and ​BBC Scotland's newsreaders for their famed Children in Need performances. After successfully developing the choir for seven years, Robert decided to step down as choir director. Looking for a replacement, Gregg met with him to see if he would be up for the challenge and lucky for him, he got the job! As of January 2018, Gregg took over the reigns as Director of ZigZag Community Choir and since then it has grown beyond measures.

Facebook:​ www.facebook.com/zigzagcommunitychoir

Contact:​ info@initiumarts.co.uk


Every Monday 7-9pm


Inchinnan Community Centre/ Bowling Club

101 Banchory Ave

Inchinnan, Renfrew